VI Alternative Report

VI Alternative Report

The Alternative Report

In 2009, CHS developed a study that describes the state of the situation with respect to public policies against human trafficking, the illegal traffic of migrants in its various aspects (normative, institutional and instrumental – national plans), identifying their weaknesses and strengths. This document was published in the month of May with the title “Balance of the implementation of Law 28950 and its Regulations”.

From this effort, CHS Alternativo prepares this Balance from civil society every year with the aim of making visible the level of application of the current legislation Law No. 28950, “Law against human trafficking and migrant smuggling”.

The VI Alternative Report is a broad, detailed and analytical report, with a focus on public policy, which seeks to favor dialogue and political advocacy with the technical bodies that adopt concrete decisions against human trafficking. This takes into account for monitoring and analyzes the 4 axes defined in the PNAT 2017-2021: Institutional governance; prevention and awareness; inspection and prosecution and; attention, protection and reintegration.

The Alternative Report is an effective vehicle to generate advocacy and public pressure in the incorporation of the problem of human trafficking in the agendas of the various sectors of the state, national and subnational, also allowing sensitize political decision makers on the magnitude of this crime and its effect on the violation of the human rights of women, men, girls, boys and adolescents.

The VI Alternative Report was prepared in coordination with the Ombudsman’s Office and was presented on December 6, 2018 in Lima and later in the regions of Cusco, Arequipa, Puno and Loreto.

Últimas publicaciones

Technical data of the project

Start /  End

April 2018 – December 2018


National level

Target Group:

Authorities and public officials competent in all crimes related to Human trafficking and members of citizen watchdog groups in 10 regions.


United States Department of Labor (USDOL) Child Protection Compact Partnership


Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation 


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